The ups and downs of Tuesday the 29th.

Today has been a pretty rough day for me. First, I woke up, got dressed, and hoped on my bike, and headed to work. I stopped at the Circle K, and went inside to grab lunch and a drink. To my surprise, there were almost no cooked hot dogs on the rollers, only a "Bahama Mama" sausage and a couple spicy dogs. Well, I was hungry, so I grabbed the "Bahama Mama" and one of the spicy dogs, a bag of barbecue chips, and a Coca-Cola. Paid for my purchases, and went to work. That was the first failure of the day. At work, I get a walk-in tattoo customer. So he chooses what he wants, I tattoo it on him, and just as he's about to leave, a guy comes in, asking for me. He asks to talk outside, and when I get outside, he informs me that he's there to repossess my motorcycle. Long story short, I no longer have a motorcycle. I was lied to by the finance company, whom I used to work for, which is how I acquired my motorcycle to begin with. They even went as far as calling in a sheriff's investigator, who was obviously in ties with the company. So I'm left without a bike now. I had a car, but the transmission died in it, so it was sold to a junk yard. Thankfully, I have my bicycle. A lovely 2007 Mirraco Five Star Park freestyle bike. Freestyle bikes suck for riding more than a few hundred feet. Fail, Fail, Fail. Then, I get home, and my cat is nowhere to be found. My roommates have a bad habit of letting her outside, and just leaving her there. Hopefully she's ok. I'm just pissed.

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