I could build a house from HTML, but I have no desire to.

I've noticed that a lot of people spend a lot of time adding fancy images and layouts to their blogs. Crazy, plainly useless widgets and stuff no one seems to really care about. It makes me think, "Is this what it takes to get people to read what I have to say? Are aesthetics the key to a reader's heart?"

Honestly, it's not that I have no desire to have a bomb-ass, superfly looking blog, because secretly I do. It's just that I really don't have the time. The only internet connection I can get my hands on is at work. I mean, I've managed to tether my G1 to my computer to make use of 3G (shhhh, don't tell T-Mobile) but the connection is unnervingly slow, so I rarely waste my time. Maybe one day I'll take the time and make something cool looking, because web design was my thing in high school, and frankly, HTML is so easy a 4th grader could do it...I guess when it's all said and done, I really have no excuse...I could have done something with it in the time it took me to type this, but I'm not very efficient with my time, and I found it best to just write about it.

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